Jersey Street, Hanover,
** REFURBISHMENT REQUIRED, 3 STOREY, 2/3 BEDS, WEST GARDEN ** This property has been in the same family for over 50 years. It is laid out over 3 floors, with bedroom 3 / reception 2 and bathroom on (...)
Albion Hill, Hanover,
** SHARE OF FREEHOLD, SOUTH WEST GARDEN, 2 BEDROOMS, NO CHAIN ** Located towards the bottom end of Chates Farm allotments. This is a well presented throughout, with a very large main bedroom to the (...)
Bonchurch Road,
** TOP FLOOR FLAT, 2 BEDROOMS, WEST FACING ENCLOSED BALCONY, VERY WELL PRESENTED ** This is a superb bright & light top floor flat, in a modern well maintained building. Located just off Elm Grove, a (...)
Islingword Road, Hanover,
** 1 BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR FLAT, WITH FRONT AND REAR GARDENS, NO CHAIN** Set back off the road, at the top of Islingword Road, close to the 'Pepperpot'. This is an excellent chain free flat on the (...)
Finsbury Road, Hanover,
** NO CHAIN, GREAT VIEWS OVER BRIGHTON, LARGE OPEN PLAN LOUNGE/KITCHEN/DINER ** Located between Islingword Road and Southover Street, towards the top of Hanover, just below Queens Park. This is a (...)